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cutepablo's Articles » Page 6
August 28, 2006 by cutepablo
New Hopes in Stem Cells Human embryonic cells remain a research tool to study the mechanisms of disease. There will be many therapeutic benefits. We will be able to produce new drugs. Thomas M. Messell, a neurobiologist at Columbia University Medical Center in New York, stated he hoped to see the research generate new drugs for neurodegenerative disease. He expects a revolution within the next 5 years. Scientists have spent the last 5 years in how to grow the cells in the lab an...
August 28, 2006 by cutepablo
Cows communicate in regional accent! The farmers of London found that the cows communicate in their regional accent. The cows have a single syllable to communicate but they do it in using a regional accent as the study tells us. The cows have limited conversational skills. The herds in the West Country are mooing in their distinct Somerset twang. Some listeners describe this sound as “moo-arr” rather than moo. John Wells, professor of phonetics at the University of London thinks ...
August 28, 2006 by cutepablo
Flirting --- a new pastime? When the belief ‘variety is the source of life’ and worried in the realm of love, flirting was the result. Human mind always craves for new experiences; it delights in change and is always bored with known things and persons. It is strange that the charm of a thing vanishes as soon as we have possessed it. One wonders if the two popular maxims, “it is better to marry than to burn” by St. Paul and “one must always be in love : that’s why one shoul...
August 28, 2006 by cutepablo
Bees prefer a warm drink! Bumblebees will prefer a flower with a warmer nectar rather than a cooler one. The bees identify the flower with the warmer nectar by its color. They had to warm themselves as they should fly. Lars Chitka of Queens Mary College of the University of London stated the fact. She published her work in the reputed journal Nature dated August 3, 2006. Bumblebees needed a body temperature close to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The bees need a lot of energy to fly. ...
August 25, 2006 by cutepablo
Radioactive Curse In Egypt, the monuments have an insidious threat in the form of high levels of radioactive gas radon. This has been reported by New Scientist. In Sakhem Khat pyramid, 5809 becquerels of radon per cubic meter was found. This pyramid is in the south of Cairo at Saggara. Radon is produced by the decay of uranium in the ground and in the rocks used to build the monuments. The visitors are not at risk but early egyptologists are at a risk as the radon conce...
August 25, 2006 by cutepablo
Vitamin C beneficial during pregnancy Fruits are given to pregnant women for her health. It has been reported by reuters that vitamin C rich foods lower the risk of preeclampsia during pregnancy. Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication marked by high blood pressure and swelling in the legs that affects one in 10 pregnant women for the first time. If it is left untreated, it may develop into preeclampsia, a life threatening condition in which has convulsive seizures. Vitami...
August 25, 2006 by cutepablo
Oldest Human DNA found in Australia Australian scientists have found the oldest human DNA and these findings challenge the theory that the human originated from Africa alone. Researchers analysed the DNA taken from Lake Mungo in New South Wales. This research has been done at Australian National University. The dating of fossils in May 1999 put the age between 56,000 and 68,000 years. Dr. Alan Thorne of this university states that Mungo man’s DNA do not have any links wit...
August 25, 2006 by cutepablo
Prehistoric flute in China According to Nature, a group of Chinese archeologists found prehistoric flute have been found in China at Jiahu site in Henan, which was occupied between 7000 and 5700 BC during the Neolithic period. The flutes have 5 to 8 holes and one of them is still playable. These flutes are made almost 9000 years ago from hollowed bird bones. The complex of developments in stone tool technology, food production and storage, and social organization that is o...
August 25, 2006 by cutepablo
Suddenly one night. Ghost Story Arun lives in a village. He lives in Howrah. He studies in class five. His father is a railway officer in Murshidabad. His father, Ajoy used to tell him a lot of stories. His father used to tell him ghost stories. Unfortunately his mother died just after his birth due to cancer. Her mother, Arunima died when he was only 2 years old. He studies in a local school. In the home, they have a girl who takes care of their house. She cle...
August 25, 2006 by cutepablo
Fate of Campus Recruitment in Colleges The campus recruitment is a great opportunity which every student wants at the end of the course. Now it has been observed that at the end of the course, the elite institutions like Bengal Engineering and Science University and Jadavpur University in West Bengal, India are facing a new problem. The students are neglecting their studies after the third year in their four year course. The only reason that has been found is the campus recruitmen...
August 25, 2006 by cutepablo
Pesticide in Cold Drinks The cold drinks we take in India contains pesticides. Snakes, tiny bits of metals, dirt, frog have all been found in cold drinks! Yes, I mean the cold drinks like Coca Cola, Pepsi, etc. The bottles are found not being washed properly. It is not the attempt of media to defame the MNC’s but the lack of proper care of bottling the soft drinks is the main cause. The Bureau of Indian Standards (B.I.S.) are testing these samples. The maximum residue l...
August 25, 2006 by cutepablo
Sexy Pickpocket! Harry goes everyday to the office by bus. He lives in a north Kolkata. He is single. Now his age is 34. He has decided to remain bachelor. The bus during office hours are very congested. Though he knew that there are pickpockets, in spite of his father's advice he keeps his money bag in the pant's pocket. It is more likely to be stolen rather than the shirt's pocket. In the office, he wears formal half shirts, generally of light color like cream, yellow with...