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cutepablo's Articles In Misc
September 12, 2006 by cutepablo
How did our evolutionary ancestors make sense of their world? Researchers at Max Planck Institute compared the five species of great apes --- orangutans, gorillas, bonobos, chimpanzees, and humans. The study was published in Current Biology journal. They tried to establish which cognitive strategies they prefer in order to uncover hidden characteristics. The scientist applied a technique called comparative psychological research. They found that some of the strategies shaped by ev...
September 12, 2006 by cutepablo
More dinosaur species from fossil record!! Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania have found more dinosaur species. They made a statistical analysis of an exhaustive database of all known dinosaur genera. They knew 29% of all dinosaurs. It then used this data to generate the total number of genera preserved in fossil record. Scientists will eventually discover 1844 dinosaur genera --- at least 1300 more than 527 recognised today. The various species appeare...
September 6, 2006 by cutepablo
Expanding Universe Expanding universe is the current understanding of the state of the universe. It states that the universe is not fixed. It is gradually expanding. It is based on the finding that all galaxies are moving away from each other. Application of general relativity to cosmology, along with the detection of red shifted light coming from galaxies outside the Milky Way Galaxy, led to the realization in the 1920s that all galaxies are receding (see Edwin Hubble). It is unkn...
August 28, 2006 by cutepablo
Bees prefer a warm drink! Bumblebees will prefer a flower with a warmer nectar rather than a cooler one. The bees identify the flower with the warmer nectar by its color. They had to warm themselves as they should fly. Lars Chitka of Queens Mary College of the University of London stated the fact. She published her work in the reputed journal Nature dated August 3, 2006. Bumblebees needed a body temperature close to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The bees need a lot of energy to fly. ...
August 25, 2006 by cutepablo
Pesticide in Cold Drinks The cold drinks we take in India contains pesticides. Snakes, tiny bits of metals, dirt, frog have all been found in cold drinks! Yes, I mean the cold drinks like Coca Cola, Pepsi, etc. The bottles are found not being washed properly. It is not the attempt of media to defame the MNC’s but the lack of proper care of bottling the soft drinks is the main cause. The Bureau of Indian Standards (B.I.S.) are testing these samples. The maximum residue l...