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cutepablo's Articles In Sports & Leisure
February 14, 2007 by cutepablo
Harmonica is a wind instrument. It is played by mouth. The harmonica is held by the hand with 2 hands and played by blowing air from the mouth. With a little air pressure, one can play harmonica. Soft blowing the instrument gives rise to a sweet sound. Being a wind instrument, you can play it any time and any where. It is small and portable. It can be carried in a pocket. It has a bellow. Sophisticated harmonicas have scale change facility. One can play it in different scales, e.g. ...
March 6, 2007 by cutepablo
Scientist have already reported chimpanzee using sticks to take out termites from the termite hills. But recently scientist have found an interesting fact about the chimpanzees living in West Savannah region of Africa. The chimpanzees are using deadly spears from sticks. They are also using hand crafted tools to hunt small animals. This is the first routine production deadly weapons by the animals other than human. The researchers in Senegal have studied the chimpanzees for many year...