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Scientist have already reported chimpanzee using sticks to take out termites from the termite hills. But recently scientist have found an interesting fact about the chimpanzees living in West Savannah region of Africa. The chimpanzees are using deadly spears from sticks. They are also using hand crafted tools to hunt small animals. This is the first routine production deadly weapons by the animals other than human.

The researchers in Senegal have studied the chimpanzees for many years gaining the chimpanzees trust. Human beings fashioned similar tools millions of years ago. In the ancient times, man used tools like hand axe in Paleolithic age. Gradually the stool tools become smaller in Mesolithic age and finally in Neolithic age, metal tools were used.

In Senegal, it has been found that female chimpanzees are making tools. They are making and using spears. It has been found genetically man and chimpanzees are 98% similar. The chimpanzees are showing signs of innovation and creative problem solving which is quite astonishing!!

The chimpanzees are breaking the hands and teeth to break the branches of the trees and are making tools. They are using long straight sticks. This has been published in the online journal, “Current Biology.” The chimpanzees after making the tool, grasping the tool in “power grip” are jabbing it in tree-hollows. In this holes, bush babies are found. Bush babies are small monkey like animals. The chimpanzees are diurnal while the bush babies are nocturnal. They are hunted when the little creatures fall asleep during the day by the chimps. After stabbing its prey, the chimpanzee removes the animals from the burrow and eat it.

It is astonishing to see how chimpanzee are using sharp tools to kill their prey. This study is notable for the fact that it has been seen for the first time in animals other than man. It also shows how the female chimps have a presence of mind during emergency situations like hunting. They show signs of innovation as per requirement.

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