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Published on September 29, 2006 By cutepablo In Health & Medicine

Misconceptions of coffee consumption are as follows:
1. Previously it was thought that coffee drinking is addictive.
2. Many people think drinking coffee a lot causes heart attack.
3. Excessive consumption leads to irregularities of heart beats.
4. Pregnant women should avoid coffee as it causes habitual miscarriage is a myth.
5. Some people believe coffee increases the risk of ovary cancer and ovary damage.

The benefits of drinking coffee are as follows:

Drinking coffee has some health benefits.
1. Some experts opine taking 300 to 400 milligrams of coffee is good for health.
2. Coffee drinking causes stimulates the central nervous system.
3. It is used by doctors as a heart stimulant.
4. Moderate consumption of coffee causes increases general wellbeing.
5. It increases endurance.
6. It increases the energy level of our body. During night shift, a BPO worker, for example is given a cup of coffee to stay awake (increases alertness).
7. The caffeine present in strong coffee alters the brain’s electrical activity.
8. By boosting gamma rhythms, it aids in memory and learning.
9. The doctor finds no relation between caffeine consumption and stroke.
10. The pregnant woman can take coffee and it has no adverse effect on the baby. A doctor recommends 3 to 4 cups of coffee to a pregnant woman.
11. A cup of coffee a day not only rejuvenates us, it also prevents amnesia in old age.
12. When we drink a cup of coffee, adrenaline is released from the brain. Our heart beats faster, glucose is released in blood and we feel energized.
13. Coffee has diuretic effect and helps the kidneys to produce urine effectively.
14. Drinking a cup of coffee a day can reduce the risk of a variety of illnesses. They are gallstones, liver illness, Parkinson’s disease, and asthma.
15. American Diabetes Association study states that the regular coffee intake can lower down can keep away the risk of diabetes.
16. Depression, anxiety, and suicidal tendency can also be reduced by drinking a cup of it.
17. Coffee acts as antioxidant. It counteracts the damaging effects of oxidation in body tissues.
18. It protects us from cell damage and some types of cancer.
19. The dermatologic effects of coffee are as follows: It cleans, purifies and minimizes the pores and removes dead cells.

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